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Overlay Scripts

Overlay scripts define how your data will look on the chart.

As was described in the Scripts chapter, each .navy file contains a javascript code (almost), separated by section tags.

Basic structure

Typical overlay looks like this:

// Navy ~ 0.1-lite // (1)

[OVERLAY name=NewOverlay, ctx=Canvas, verion=0.1.0] // (2)

// Overlay props
prop('color', { type: 'color', def: '#2d7b2f33' }) // (3)

// Draw call
draw(ctx) { // (4)
    const layout = $core.layout
    ctx.fillStyle = $props.color
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, layout.width, layout.height) // (5)

// Legend, defined as pairs [value, color]
legend(x) => [[Math.random(), $props.color]] // (6)

The typical parts are:

  1. NavyJS version comment
  2. OVERLAY tag defining the meta-information
  3. prop function call that defines new property
  4. draw draw function, called every time data/view is changed
  5. CanvasJS API call
  6. A function defining the overlay behavior

Functional Interface

An overlay behavior can be defined by overriding the following core functions.


init() // Called when overlay is created
destroy() // Called when overlay is destroyed

Drawing functions

draw() // Main drawing call
drawSidebar() // Drawing call of sidebar
drawBotbar() // Drawing call of botbar

Samplers / transforms

yRange() // Redefines y-range of overlay
preSampler() // Defines a sampler for precision detection algo
ohlc() // Mapping data point to OHLC value for magnets

UI functions

legend() // Defines legend as [value, color] pair
legendHtml() // Defines legend as a custom html  
valueTracker() // Sets price label + price line

Mouse listeners

mousemove() // Called on 'mousemove' event
mouseout() // Called on 'mouseout' event
mouseup() // Called on 'mouseup' event
mousedown() // Called on 'mousedown' event
click() // Called on 'click' event

Keyboard listeners

keyup() // Called on 'keyup' event
keydown() // Called on 'keydown' event
keypress() // Called on 'keypress' event

All the definitions described in NavyJS API.


Overlay Eviromenmet is a group of variables describing the current chart state. They contain all the information needed to build an overlay.


Collection of all core elements and other variables, such as data, range and view. You can find all the definitions in NavyJS API as well. The most common use case of $core is the main drawing loop:

// A fragment of code from
draw() {
    // ...
    const layout = $core.layout
    const data = $ // Full dataset
    const view = $core.view // Visible view
    const idx = $props.dataIndex
    for (var i = view.i1, n = view.i2; i <= n; i++) {
        let p = data[i]
        let x = layout.ti2x(p[0], i) // Mapping functions
        let y = layout.value2y(p[idx]) // ...
        ctx.lineTo(x, y)


Overlay props (props field of OverlayObject). Props defined with prop() function can be immediately accessed through $props variable:

prop('color', { type: 'color', def: '#2d7b2f33' })
console.log($props.color) // #2d7b2f33

If a property defined in the props field, it will be used by the script (instead of default one).


Events component. Nothing less, nothing more.


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Collection of primitives & helper functions. For example a single candle can be drawn with a few calls:

/* CandleDescriptor {
    x, // x-coordinate
    w, // width
    o, h, l, c, // y-coords
    green, // true/false
    src // Data point ref
$lib.candleWick(ctx, candleDescriptor, layout)
$lib.candleBody(ctx, candleDescriptor, layout)

Y-range function

Sometimes you need to define a y-range that is different from the one calculated by the library.


The default range is calculated as [max, min] of all visible values, extended by 15%.


You can use the auto-detected values, making some modifications:

// A code snippet from
yRange(hi, lo) => [
    Math.max(hi, $props.upperBand),
    Math.min(lo, $props.lowerBand)

Also, you can disable the auto extension of the range:

yRange() => [1, 0, false] // You'll get exactly [1.0, 0.0]

Another case is when the data contains values that should be excluded from the calculation process, e.g. like volume in Candles:

// A code snippet from
yRange() {
    let data = $core.hub.ovDataSubset($core.paneId, $
    let len = data.length
    var h, l, high = -Infinity, low = Infinity
    for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        let point = data[i]
        if (point[2] > high) high = point[2]
        if (point[3] < low) low = point[3]
    return [high, low]

Custom Legend


You can redefine this thing too! All you need is to return an array of [value, color] pairs:

// Code from
legend(x) => [[x[1], $props.color1], [x[2], $props.color2]]

In some cases you'll want to redefine the legend completely. Well, we have a solution for that too:

// x - data point  
// prec - precision
// f - default value formatter
legendHtml(x, prec, f) => `
    <span style="color: purple">Well, hello</span>
    <span class="nvjs-ll-value">${f(x[1])}</span>

A good & complex example of legendHtml is Candles overlay.

Precision Samplers

We already covered the usage of this function here. Again, Candles overlay is a nice example of the case when you need to exclude some values from sampling:

// Code from
preSampler(x) => [x[1], x[4]]

Here we are using only open & close values, because volume values can produce a different precision.

Mouse & keyboard events

Finally, if you need some intercativity, you can get all native mouse and keyboard events just by decrailring the corresponding functions:

mousemove(event) {
keypress(event) {

More Info?

Currenlty, it's recommended to eyeball all the built-in sources:

Also, as you probably already know, good stuff is here: NavyJS API

Released under the MIT License.